Sydney Contemporary Orchestra
Established in 2011, a training arm of the Sydney Contemporary Orchestra Inc. (SCO), the SCO Youth Symphony (SYS) is our Youth Program for young music lovers, music students, young musicians, and young music teachers in Sydney, Australia. This program consists of the Sydney Hills Youth Orchestra and the Sydney Hills Junior Orchestra.
Led by its Founding Conductor, Artistic & Executive Director, Dr. Brian Chatpo Koo, the SYS offers young music lovers the opportunity to play and enjoy classical orchestral music of all kinds, not only performing but also learning to understand how those masterpieces were constructed, and expanding their orchestral music education training and orchestral music performance experience. The orchestra also broadens their potential music career by building up their orchestral music repertoires, as well as imparting to them the value of communication, teamwork, and discipline.
After training, they can join our Western Sydney Symphony Orchestra playing alongside professional musicians to get more professional experience. Furthermore, they can join the Sydney Contemporary Orchestra to earn income as professional musicians.
Since 2011 we have hosted 35 concerts and trained more than 200 young musicians. Some of them now pursuing their tertiary music studies and some of them are working as professional musicians.
We are a registered provider for the NSW Creative Kids program. All members under the age of 18 are eligible to redeem $100 for their annual membership fee from the NSW Government.